Thai Tea Frappe
Blended, Drinks, Milk Tea, Shop

Thai Tea Frappe – Guiltea Cravings

Today we went out to go get Japanese food at a new place I found. I thought the food was ok, but we waited a relatively long time, so that probably gave everyone a slightly less good impression. I think they were pretty busy, and understaffed, but alas…anyway, I was searching up a boba place… Continue reading Thai Tea Frappe – Guiltea Cravings

Honey Roasted Milk Tea
Drinks, Milk Tea, Shop

Honey Roasted Milk Tea – Milk Tea Lab

So sometimes recently I've been craving Hawaiian food, or more like the idea of Hawaiian food (more specifically, with how Hawaiian barbecue is basically fusion Asian food and they always give you a huge portion). Actually, it's mostly because I miss the Hawaiian booth at the Farmer's Market. The Farmer's Market doesn't happen anymore, probably… Continue reading Honey Roasted Milk Tea – Milk Tea Lab