Russian is at home today out of caution of corona getting slightly worse recently, but my friend and I decided that we should still enjoy our boba together, but distantly. I asked my mom what drink she wanted, and she requested Omomo. Maybe it's because it's the day before Thanksgiving and everyone's off, but the… Continue reading Black Jade Milk Tea – Omomo Tea Shoppe
Month: November 2020
Thai Tea (#2) – 7 Leaves Cafe
Today's my last birthday boba coupon, just barely waiting until the last day to stretch it out / ration out the free drinks / not drink too many in a short period of time, haha. The way 7 Leaves does it is give you a regular drink's worth of points, of which you can redeem… Continue reading Thai Tea (#2) – 7 Leaves Cafe
Matcha Lattea – Cherubic Tea
Today I went on a Target errand run for my parents, which means I stocked up on my favorite granola and I can stop by Cherubic Tea (formerly Spiritea) and use my birthday coupon set to expire on Tuesday! Spiritea recently rebranded as Cherubic Tea for some reason, and had a grand re-opening party along… Continue reading Matcha Lattea – Cherubic Tea
Hokkaido Milk Tea – Sunright Tea Studio
Russian Wednesday takes place at Sunright this week because my birthday coupon expires on Friday. Today we finished the second half of the article about a twelve year old Russian boy who made his own business. Wild. So in the name of a healthier-ish alternative I was going to get Sunright's version of the cheese… Continue reading Hokkaido Milk Tea – Sunright Tea Studio
Jasmine Green Tea Latte – Ding Tea
It's my birthday! It's that time of year to cash in all the birthday coupons, and because Ding Tea uses Fivestars, the coupon expires today, so I figured I'd use it. As a side note, I got notifications from two Ding Teas. This one gives $3.75 off, which is about slightly less than. the price… Continue reading Jasmine Green Tea Latte – Ding Tea
Matcha Thai Milk Tea – Tastea
We've been kind of using the 7 Leaves (basically) free delivery on the app, and today was supposed to be the last day of the promotion, but for some reason the delivery part of the app hasn't been working yesterday and today. We even tried our different accounts across different devices too. My mom theorizes… Continue reading Matcha Thai Milk Tea – Tastea
Jasmine Milk Tea (#3) – 7 Leaves Cafe
We're taking advantage of the one cent delivery fee promotion while it's still here (it started last Sunday, and ends this Saturday). My mom also felt like having something sweet to energize her, which is the main reason today. I also feel oddly unproductive (well, that's the mood most days...), so here's to hoping the… Continue reading Jasmine Milk Tea (#3) – 7 Leaves Cafe
Osmanthus Oolong Milk Tea – Cloudy Co.
Today's a holiday, but that can't stop us from doing some Russian and getting some boba! We're at Cloudy Co, a new place in town, and got halfway through an article about a boy named Peter. Maybe there's something about cold weather that makes people less productive, maybe it's the holiday, maybe it was the… Continue reading Osmanthus Oolong Milk Tea – Cloudy Co.
Oolong Milk Tea (#2)- 7 Leaves Cafe
7 Leaves is currently doing a promotion for the next week for one cent delivery on the app! Yes, the delivery fee is one cent, which is great to hear from a customer's perspective because sometimes the delivery fee can really turn off from getting delivery, but I guess it's there because you're being lazy… Continue reading Oolong Milk Tea (#2)- 7 Leaves Cafe
Jasmine Creamomo (Cheese) – Omomo Tea Shoppe
Today we went to Omomo because my mom wanted some groceries from Trader Joe's. My friend found a new website with short passages in Russian, so today we read a story about how kangaroos were discovered and a story about birthday revenge. Both were hilarious, and funnier than the original bear joke. Earlier I was… Continue reading Jasmine Creamomo (Cheese) – Omomo Tea Shoppe