I’m in Sapporo this weekend to see a concert! As my afternoon snack, I went to Gong Cha for boba. As of a few days ago, they rereleased the gingerbread man bottle series! I didn’t get one last year, and wanted to get it as soon as possible this time around. Like the Heartful bottle,… Continue reading Gingerbread Man Strawberry Alishan Oolong Milk Tea (ジンジャーブレッドマン ストロベリー阿里山ミルクティー) – Gong Cha
Month: November 2024
Amaou Strawberry Noel Milk Tea (あまおうノエルミルクティー) – Gong Cha
I’m in Sapporo today to go get hot pot with my friend for her first hot pot experience! After hot pot, we went to this year’s German Christmas Market, and got some sweet treats. Of course, that included boba for the way home. As of 11/18, Gong Cha has come out with a festive holiday… Continue reading Amaou Strawberry Noel Milk Tea (あまおうノエルミルクティー) – Gong Cha
Brown Sugar TieGuanYin Milk Tea (黒糖鉄観音ミルクティー) – The Alley
Yesterday was my birthday! This was actually my drink from yesterday, but I was busy all day that I didn't have time to write my post, so apologies for the delay. I spent the weekend in Sapporo hanging out with friends and getting birthday freebies! Of course, I had to get boba on my birthday.… Continue reading Brown Sugar TieGuanYin Milk Tea (黒糖鉄観音ミルクティー) – The Alley
Houjicha Milk (ほうじミルク) – The Alley
I’m heading home after a long weekend in Sapporo! I came back from Jozankei this morning, and for the bus ride home as usual, getting some boba. I’m back at The Alley, because of the new fall stuff I mentioned yesterday. I found out about the new things from an article linked in the official… Continue reading Houjicha Milk (ほうじミルク) – The Alley
Apple and Assam Fruit Tea (りんごとアッサムのフルーツティー) – The Alley
Todays Day 2 of my three day weekend! I’m in Sapporo for the morning, and heading over to Jozankei for the first time in the afternoon. As of 10/15, The Alley released a few new items for the winter season, so I got to try them out! First up is this apple and assam fruit… Continue reading Apple and Assam Fruit Tea (りんごとアッサムのフルーツティー) – The Alley
Brown Sugar Matcha Milk (黒糖抹茶ミルク) – The Tea
I’m in Sapporo because it’s a long weekend! Sunday’s Culture Day, and because it’s a Sunday, we get Monday off. Huzzah! I promise this is the last three day weekend of the year (boo). Today I’m back at The Tea to get a drink. Weirdly enough, they don’t have a matcha only option. They have… Continue reading Brown Sugar Matcha Milk (黒糖抹茶ミルク) – The Tea