Today I spent the day in Sapporo, doing some eating, casual shopping, and seeing what was up locally (it’s summer, which means it’s festival season!). I ended the day this time with a bit of a surprise boba twist, as I still had items to get at my usual places, but wanted to recheck and… Continue reading Tapioca Iced Milk Tea (タピオカ入りアイスミルクティ) – Bund Cafe
Month: July 2024
Roasted Iron Kannon Tapioka Milk Tea (焙煎鉄観音タピオカミルクティー) – Tsutsumiya
I’m heading home from my brief short vacation to Furano today! I left early in the morning to make a stop in Sapporo for lunch, pick up boba, and then go home. Today, I’m actually getting boba from Tsutsumiya, a small crepe shop in the Daimaru department store Kiyokocho. I actually stumbled upon the fact… Continue reading Roasted Iron Kannon Tapioka Milk Tea (焙煎鉄観音タピオカミルクティー) – Tsutsumiya
Tapioca Lavender Milk – Bijou
Today was my full day in Furano! I say that, but I basically spent half the day in Biei, the town over. I finished most of my sightseeing things earlier in the day, and was just doing some casual local exploring, and I had this bakery in mind to go check out. I really was… Continue reading Tapioca Lavender Milk – Bijou
Pichi Pichi Peach Milk Tea (ピチピチピーチ ミルクティー) – Gong Cha
It’s a long weekend, so I’m making a brief weekend trip to Furano! I have to make a stop in Sapporo first to change busses, and there’s just enough time to me to grab boba at Gong Cha before hopping on the bus to Furano. I believe this is the yearly peach seasonal, but I… Continue reading Pichi Pichi Peach Milk Tea (ピチピチピーチ ミルクティー) – Gong Cha
Citrus & Passion Tea-ade ( シトラス&パッションティーエイド) – Gong Cha
Today I went to Sapporo to hang out with my friend, and then get afternoon tea with her and her friend! It was loads of fun, and I’m really glad I made a new friend today! For the usual boba on the bus ride home, we’re getting Gong Cha, because there’s a new seasonal… So… Continue reading Citrus & Passion Tea-ade ( シトラス&パッションティーエイド) – Gong Cha