Wintermelon Chincha Milk Tea
Drinks, Milk Tea, Shop

Wintermelon Chincha Milk Tea (冬瓜青ミルクティー) – The Tea

Today I’m going back home after spending the weekend in Sapporo! As usual, my last stop before getting on the bus is boba, and today I’m stopping by The Tea, as I still have drinks to try, and it’s near one of my bus stops. A while ago I was excited to see they have… Continue reading Wintermelon Chincha Milk Tea (冬瓜青ミルクティー) – The Tea

Tapioca Mango Juice
Drinks, Shop

Tapioca Mango Juice (タピオカマンゴージュース) – Shin An Ju

Today my boyfriend are in Sapporo for the weekend and that means opportunity for boba! We stopped by Shin An Ju since we were in the area after lunch. To be honest, the only drink I have left to try is the hojicha milk tea, but I was feeling a bit full, and wanted something… Continue reading Tapioca Mango Juice (タピオカマンゴージュース) – Shin An Ju

Maneki Yuzu Houji Milk Tea
Drinks, Fruit Tea, Milk Tea, Shop

Maneki Yuzu Houji Milk Tea (招き柚子ほうじミルクティー) – Gong Cha

I’m back in Japan! Gong Cha came out with a new seasonal on 12/28 for the new year: the Maneki Yuzu Houji. I suppose it’s maneki as in maneki neko, the beckoning cat beckoning the new year. I will say I am typically not a yuzu person, but I was willing to try this out… Continue reading Maneki Yuzu Houji Milk Tea (招き柚子ほうじミルクティー) – Gong Cha

Green Tea
Drinks, Milk Tea, Shop

Green Tea – Chi Cha San Chen

I’ve actually heard about ChiChaSanChen for a while, having a Michelin-equivalent of boba. I think this location opened more relatively recently though, but still not super close to where I live. To be honest, this wasn’t on my boba bucket list before going back to Japan in a few days, but now my mom is… Continue reading Green Tea – Chi Cha San Chen

Special Boba Milk Tea

Special Boba Milk Tea – BenGong’s Tea

Happy New Year! Today was mostly a chill day after going to sleep past midnight, and I didn't really have any plans. I assumed most stuff would be closed today, but you know what's not closed, big corporations, yay! Specifically, I had been meaning to go to Target to buy snacks to take back to… Continue reading Special Boba Milk Tea – BenGong’s Tea