Merry Christmas! We’re heading back home today after our Christmas weekend in Sapporo, and my take-home boba today is going to be from The Tea, since I can get no ice and it won’t melt on me on the bus. I’m excited to try out another one of their tea selections. Today I’m actually trying… Continue reading Taiwan Sanrinshi Oolong Milk Tea (台湾杉林溪烏龍茶ミルクティー) – The Tea
Month: December 2022
Loole Condora Milk Tea (ルールコンドラミルクティー) – Shin An Ju
Today I’m in Sapporo for Christmas Eve, and since we had plans in the area, my planned boba spot today was Shin An Ju. I’ve been wanting to try this more local "Taiwanese" boba chain for a while, and since I’m staying overnight I didn’t have to worry about lugging it with the ice all… Continue reading Loole Condora Milk Tea (ルールコンドラミルクティー) – Shin An Ju
Taiwanese Sweets and Drinks – 85 Degrees Bakery
Ok so 85 Degrees may not exactly be a boba shop and more of an actual Asian bakery, but they are a bakery from Taiwan, which is the origin of boba. Which also means that along with their bread, there’s a surprisingly big selection of drinks and boba options that it can actually function as… Continue reading Taiwanese Sweets and Drinks – 85 Degrees Bakery
Tiegyuanyin Milk Tea (鉄観音ミルクティー) – The Tea
In my quest to try more local, Japanese boba spots is The Tea, which has two locations in Sapporo. I've had this place in mind for a while now, and I figured on my outing today I'd finally try it out. They claim to be one of the more authentic boba places around, and they… Continue reading Tiegyuanyin Milk Tea (鉄観音ミルクティー) – The Tea