My dad’s in Sapporo to come see me while he’s in Taiwan for business, and I had a holiday today, so we met up and did a bit of touring and shopping! Read about that over on my Japan blog, here. I ideally wanted boba today, and was trying to go for Shin An Ju,… Continue reading Maple TieGuanYin Milk Tea (メープル鉄観音ミルクティー) – The Alley
Month: November 2022
Strawberry Pistachio Milk Tea (いちごピスタチオミルクティー) – Gong Cha
Today my boyfie and I are going back to my place, and so I do have to get boba since this is our last day in Sapporo and for the bus ride home, ha! Gong cha has another new drink, which is probably another seasonal but really no idea for how long. They really like… Continue reading Strawberry Pistachio Milk Tea (いちごピスタチオミルクティー) – Gong Cha
Peach Oolong Milk Tea (白桃烏龍ミルクティー) – The Alley
Today’s the Sapporo full day with the boyfie! We walked around a lot, and I showed him all the places that I knew of within walking distance in the area. We ate some good food, and of course since I’m out of town I have to get my boba fix in as much as possible,… Continue reading Peach Oolong Milk Tea (白桃烏龍ミルクティー) – The Alley
Tapioca Matcha Tea (タピオカ抹茶ティー) – 108 Matcha Saro
My boyfriend has come to visit! I met up with him in Sapporo right after I got off work, and we got dinner at Sapporo station since it’s right there, and I had a place I wanted to try. Read about that here. I wanted boba if possible, but by the time we finished it… Continue reading Tapioca Matcha Tea (タピオカ抹茶ティー) – 108 Matcha Saro
Innovative Drinks and Boba – Tea Maru
Tea Maru is a relatively new chain around Southern California. What makes them stand out among the others is that they make their boba in house (think One Zo!) and offer a Fluffy Matcha, which I assume is taking after the Dalgona Coffee trend that started mid-quarantine, except, well, Matcha. When they first opened closer… Continue reading Innovative Drinks and Boba – Tea Maru