Mango Milk Tea
Drinks, Fruit Tea, Milk Tea, Shop

Mango Milk Tea (マンゴーミルクティー) – Gong Cha

Here's another day trip in Sapporo, to do another food run, and some not so window shopping. Read about my day on my Japan blog here! Now, I would have tried to gone to somewhere not Gong Cha since I’ve been frequenting Gong Cha for the most part, but Gong Cha recently released a new… Continue reading Mango Milk Tea (マンゴーミルクティー) – Gong Cha

Milk Tea with Tapioca
Drinks, Milk Tea, misc

Milk Tea with Tapioca (タピオカミルクティー) – Lawson

Here’s some more fake boba, and probably the last of this bad fake boba for a while, since this is the last of what I’ve found so far. This is going to be my boba for this weekend, and I guess better than nothing. And again, a sort of breakfast morning drink post morning Pilates.… Continue reading Milk Tea with Tapioca (タピオカミルクティー) – Lawson

Jasmine Milk Tea
Drinks, Milk Tea, Shop

Jasmine Milk Tea (ジャスミングリーン ミルクティー) – Gong Cha

I'm back in Sapporo this weekend, mostly to do some more exploring around the Susukino station area and eat good food. Specifically, I had some food spots I wanted to hit up, made an itinerary, and was very excited to eat good food this weekend. You can read about my day here, on my other… Continue reading Jasmine Milk Tea (ジャスミングリーン ミルクティー) – Gong Cha

Brown Sugar Milk with Tapioca
Drinks, Milk Tea, misc

Brown Sugar Milk with Tapioca (タピオカ黒糖ミルク) – Lawson

This week I’m chilling in town this long 3 day weekend! Today’s Sports Day in Japan, and I’m having more fake boba as my weekend treat. It’s a rainy day so I’m hibernating, but I bought this one from Lawson a couple weeks ago. And a good post-morning workout and semi breakfast! Oh hey, time… Continue reading Brown Sugar Milk with Tapioca (タピオカ黒糖ミルク) – Lawson

TieGuanYin Milk Tea
Drinks, Milk Tea, Shop

TieGuanYin Milk Tea (鉄観音ミルクティー)- The Alley

I'm back in Sapporo today! The main goal for today was to watch a movie, get this cardigan I really wanted, walk around and explore some more, and, try the The Alley here. You know, after the last couple times getting a failed jasmine you might have thought I would have gotten a jasmine. I… Continue reading TieGuanYin Milk Tea (鉄観音ミルクティー)- The Alley