Oolong Tea Organic Latte
Drinks, Milk Tea, Shop

Oolong Tea Organic Latte – Wushiland Boba

Wow, Wushiland's back after quite a while I think (not them. but us ordering them, ha!). I think it's more of we always knew they come every week and we (my mom and I) would usually think about ordering, but also with the frequency of boba we were getting maybe it was ok to hold… Continue reading Oolong Tea Organic Latte – Wushiland Boba

Tea Maru Latte (brown sugar boba)
Drinks, Milk Tea, Shop

Tea Maru Latte (brown sugar boba) – Tea Maru

It's officially been 12 days since I last had a drink, and a new record. Yay? Not yay? Anyway, today my sister started volunteering at her old art studio nearby the newly opened Tea Maru, which opened a few months ago. I've really been meaning to try it, and now it's such a perfect occasion.… Continue reading Tea Maru Latte (brown sugar boba) – Tea Maru

Matcha Brown Sugar Boba Ice Cream Bar

Matcha Brown Sugar Boba Ice Cream Bar – A Chino (阿奇儂)

Happy Father's Day! It's mid-June and summer, which means t'is the season for drinks and ice cream! Not a drink today, but actually the first boba ice cream review in a while. This time, matcha flavored! So I haven't had a drink in a bit, and I figured it'd be nice to treat myself to… Continue reading Matcha Brown Sugar Boba Ice Cream Bar – A Chino (阿奇儂)

Osmanthus Oolong Milk Tea (with Creme Brûlée)
Drinks, Milk Tea, Shop

Osmanthus Oolong Milk Tea (with Creme Brûlée) – Omomo Tea Shoppe

This morning I took my last final! It wasn't that bad, I just kind of put off taking it to be honest, but now I'm officially on summer break! Huzzah! My sister also got her second dose of the covid vaccine today, so huzzah! Lots of things to celebrate, and hopefully this summer will be… Continue reading Osmanthus Oolong Milk Tea (with Creme Brûlée) – Omomo Tea Shoppe

French Daisy
Drinks, Shop

French Daisy – Redstraw Tea Bar

We're back at Redstraw today after a while! Today's a special occasion, meeting up with some local friends as summer is just about starting (I still have a couple days left of finals though), and one friend is leaving the country tomorrow. After a whole year of mostly avoiding in-person socializing when so many friends… Continue reading French Daisy – Redstraw Tea Bar

Matcha Milk Tea
Drinks, Milk Tea, Shop

Matcha Milk Tea – A+ Tea House

A few days ago WordPress said it was my account creation anniversary, so happy belated anniversary to the blog! For anyone, past, present, or future that's reading, thanks for your support. 🙂 Shoutout to my family for putting up with me during quarantine and helping me meet all my boba needs, ha! A+ was back… Continue reading Matcha Milk Tea – A+ Tea House