Russian has moved to Tuesday morning this week, because apparently the weather has decided to grace us with 100 Degrees on Wednesday. To avoid that, we moved to today, which would be slightly cooler, and in the morning, because my friend has classes later, and it'd be even cooler! We went over Russian idioms today,… Continue reading Genmaicha – Redstraw Tea Bar
Month: September 2020
Honey Gyokuro Green Milk Tea – Orobae
What, a double post? I'm not a fan of multiple posts on one day, but I did consume multiple boba items today so I guess there's that. Today's another Friday at Orobae, except the occasion is that I got my flu shot today. Personally, it's a somewhat feared event because I, like most people, don't… Continue reading Honey Gyokuro Green Milk Tea – Orobae
Milk Tea Bun – 85 Degrees Bakery
I used to think 85 Degrees was overrated, and that their bread selection wasn't that large or special. Now, I really like consuming most forms of carbs anyway, so if you give me bread (with ingredients that I like), I'll still eat it. If I go into an 85 Degrees, I'll probably want to get… Continue reading Milk Tea Bun – 85 Degrees Bakery
Jasmine Milk Tea – Omomo Tea Shoppe
Today's Russian study session was at Omomo! My friend and I read a passage on St. Petersburg, and then did some name declension practice, along with some other miscellaneous grammar items. My drink choice today was a pretty quick one: the Jasmine Milk Tea, which I like to call the not-so-secret Omomo menu item. Jasmine… Continue reading Jasmine Milk Tea – Omomo Tea Shoppe
Oolong Milk Tea – Sunright Tea Studio
Here's to another post-workout boba! I've been working out in the morning on the weekends recently, but today it was in the afternoon because my mom's friend (safely) came over to do her hair this morning. Today I online ordered as usual, and I noticed that Sunright has Thai Tea in their new drinks section… Continue reading Oolong Milk Tea – Sunright Tea Studio
Osmanthus Oolong – Redstraw Tea Bar
Today Russian Wednesdays are back at Redstraw! We read about Russian saunas today, banyas, amidst this very hot weather. And very hot weather is the best occasion for a drink! Today I went for Redstraw's Osmanthus Oolong, which I noticed on their menu after I found out about Omomo's. For some reason, because of Omomo's… Continue reading Osmanthus Oolong – Redstraw Tea Bar
Japanese Matcha Tea (#2) – 7 Leaves Cafe
Today my dad decided to get me some post-workout boba from 7 Leaves. I was suspicious, and I am 99.9% sure it's because he wants me to make him overnight oats. Don't worry Dad, I will (sooner or later). 😉 For anyone that actually cares, I'm just about almost finished with my "Reviewing the drinks… Continue reading Japanese Matcha Tea (#2) – 7 Leaves Cafe
Osmanthus Oolong Milk Tea – Omomo Tea Shoppe
I feel like I haven't had Omomo in forever, which is probably because Omomo always has such a long line no matter the time or day that it demotivates any of us to go. When I heard that they opened up online ordering for the Walnut location, I thought that was great news. Then I… Continue reading Osmanthus Oolong Milk Tea – Omomo Tea Shoppe
Gyokuro Green Milk Tea – Orobae
For anyone that cares, today is Russian Friday at Orobae. Why Friday? What happened to Wednesday? Well, that was just a rescheduling on both my and my friend's part. We also went for Orobae today because everyone can always use a Daiso run, which is next door. The air has been pretty bad lately too,… Continue reading Gyokuro Green Milk Tea – Orobae
Boba Egg Tart – Sunmerry Bakery
Sunmerry recently came out with boba egg tarts, and more recently made them available at all California locations. Naturally, I had to try them out, since we got 7 Leaves yesterday, and Sunmerry is located in the same plaza. The tart is composed of a flaky crust, a milk tea egg custard base (under the… Continue reading Boba Egg Tart – Sunmerry Bakery