Oh my God, today's the last day of August! I think we were going to get a drink yesterday because my sister was craving her "bloody drink", but then it ended up getting late in the afternoon so we put it off for today... And here we are! I feel like I say this every… Continue reading Taro Milk Tea – 7 Leaves Cafe
Month: August 2020
What’s (Black) Milk Tea?
Alright, you probably know what Milk Tea is (or at least can guess), but entertain my post if you will...I'm no tea expert, so this post is "milk tea" in relation to the world of boba (of which I'm not expert either)! Anyway, the easy answer would be: any milk + any tea. And you're… Continue reading What’s (Black) Milk Tea?
Grapefruit Punch – Redstraw Tea Bar
It's Russian Redstraw Wednesday! Well, Wednesday doesn't start with an R, but none of the days of the week do... Today we went over daily vocabulary, including meals, clothing, and routine verbs. I was telling my friend how I finally unlocked "girlfriend" on Duolingo after learning "boyfriend" a few lessons ago, and a lady (safely)… Continue reading Grapefruit Punch – Redstraw Tea Bar
Winter Melon Green Milk Tea – Tastea
Sometime last week I signed up on the Tastea rewards app because I saw a code for a free drink online, and I thought I could save the coupon for a time when I want to try Tastea in the future. Little did I know at the time that the coupon would have an expiration… Continue reading Winter Melon Green Milk Tea – Tastea
Peach Cloudtea – Spiritea
We're back with another Russian study session this week! Today, we went over some animal and weather vocabulary, and built a mini story, with a surprising twist ending. This week we headed to Spiritea, because last week we were talking and I mentioned something along the lines of "Next time I head to Class 302… Continue reading Peach Cloudtea – Spiritea
Assam Milk Tea – 7 Leaves Cafe
What? Boba two days in a row? I'm not quite sure if this is a bad thing or good thing, but I'm always up for boba on a hot day. Or any day for the matter. Plus, boba right after a workout always sounds good, and I finished my second workout program for the summer… Continue reading Assam Milk Tea – 7 Leaves Cafe
Jasmine Green Milk Tea – Loose Leaf Boba Company
My dad's favorite boba place, Loose Leaf Boba Company, recently opened up a location close to where I live! Now instead of driving to Long Beach (which isn't that bad I guess, but still quite some time) there's a location in Santa Ana. Well, they're still in their soft opening stage right now, which began… Continue reading Jasmine Green Milk Tea – Loose Leaf Boba Company
Earl Grey Creme – Redstraw Tea Bar
Today we're back at Redstraw studying Russian, with one less friend. It was still fun though, and today was more casual, building simple sentences and going over conversation vocabulary. I'm also still on my quest to try items from the Custom Teas that pique my interest. I was debating between trying the Earl Grey Creme… Continue reading Earl Grey Creme – Redstraw Tea Bar
Itchy Peachy – Omomo Tea Shoppe
We're back with some Omomo after quite a while! While I wouldn't say I miss Omomo entirely, I have heard about their recent "new" seasonal drinks: Osmanthus Oolong and Itchy Peachy. They both sound pretty good, and I've heard good things. Obviously, I gotta try them, but I didn't know when they'd be "out of… Continue reading Itchy Peachy – Omomo Tea Shoppe
Peach Mandarin – Redstraw Tea Bar
Today was our last Russian session in a while with one of my friends (I study with two others), who's moving back to college early to start his RA training. I find it a little crazy, because it shows summer is ending (for some of us!) and because sometimes I forget not everyone starts school… Continue reading Peach Mandarin – Redstraw Tea Bar